Monday, November 29, 2010

This weekend...

we'll be getting after it at Courtyard 280. Come see us Saturday!

Monday, November 22, 2010

This week

Tuesday we'll be playing Rogue Tavern for a holiday week kickoff party. Come eat and drink with us...and don't worry about Wednesday. Nobody is really expected to get any work done this week, right?
Read our prior entry about Rogue here.

Friday we'll be back at Courtyard 280. Shake off the Black Friday blues with a few drinks and some stress relief with us.
Read our prior entry about Courtyard 280 here and see photos from our Haloween Courtyard 280 show here.

Look forward to seeing everyone out and about!

Monday, November 15, 2010


we return to the one and only Alley Bar in Montgomery.

Read my previous entry about this venue here. Hope to see all our Montgomery friends and make some new ones. As always, we always have a blast at this bar. Hope to see you out!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Between now and the end of the year...

Saturday November 20th- Alley Bar, Montgomery
Tuesday November 23rd- Rogue Tavern
Friday November  26th-Courtyard 280
Saturday December 4th- Courtyard 280